
60 Percent of Commercially Successful Innovations Come From Your Customers

It’s easy to lose sight of the individual when dealing with a customer who contacts your call center. Earlier, we’ve talked about the different ways in which to pleasantly surprise your call center customer, thus enriching his or her experience and making any exchange for an agent as pleasant as possible.

Let’s now take a look at three more call center solutions that will help your agents better know their customers, as well as help improve efficiency and promote an encouraging caller/agent relationship.

Your Customers Have Great Ideas

When one of your agents receives a phone call, e-mail, Twitter message or other form of customer communication, there’s a tendency to address the specific problem without taking a look at the overall issues being brought up by your customer. Ignoring the big picture has proven to be a problem, as a study by Hippel found that 60 percent of commercially successful innovations come from customers. Talk about a great incentive to pay extra close attention.

Value is King

Every customer who gets in touch with your call center should feel as though it’s been “time well spent.” A study by Stanford found that, for customers, memories of good times are more powerful than memories of great savings.  

Try Not to Mention ‘Money’ at All

One thing that you want to keep out of your customers’ minds is the image of money. According to a study by psychologist Kathleen Vohs, people become more “self-interested and less willing to help others” when they are “primed” with images of money.

Keep these lessons in mind and the next time a customer calls, it will be a pleasant surprise to see how much their call center agent knows about what they want and need to make the experience an exceptional one.

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