
Part 2 – Top Three Ways to Master the Cross-Channel Customer Experience

We often spend endless, agonizing minutes on hold—waiting with bated breath for a live call center agent to finally stop the increasingly irritating on-hold music and give us the stellar customer service we are so seeking. Most likely, you have been one of the seven out of 10 business callers who are constantly placed on hold.

What’s perhaps even more bothersome than waiting on hold, however, is finally getting through to an agent only to wonder whether he or she is actually paying attention to you or is instead completing five different tasks at once.

A remarkable customer service experience is no longer expected from consumers; it is very much mandatory for companies, particularly since poor customer experiences result in an estimated loss of $83 billion for U.S. enterprises each year.

Thanks to Vocalcom’s disruptive call center technology—designed to manage interactions via an intuitive, collaborative application, regardless of the channel—your customers no longer have to wonder whether your call center agent is giving his or her sole attention. That’s because your Web-based contact center can come alive with Vocalcom’s solution, which grants visitors live assistance in the form of real-time, face-to-face video chat. Whether your customer is looking for an answer as to why his or her latest technology gadget is not working or is searching for more information about your retail offerings, Vocalcom’s solution can enjoy instant connection with call center agents.

Moreover, while your customers are waiting for the specific agent who can answer their question, allow them to chat in real-time with another agent—a move that turns waiting time into new opportunities and revenue.

To learn more about how you can multiply your business opportunities with your online call center, click here.

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