Modern times have paved the way for modern conveniences, not least of which is mobile use. As consumers continue to rely on smartphones for everything from checking mail to making purchases, companies are set to boost sales and deliver excellent service with clever mobile customer engagement. Here are five ways mobile customer engagement can fuel brand success.It saves customers time. Customers value time and convenience, so brands that can deliver those two key elements are sure to gain customer love. For great customer service, brands should be sure to offer chat and click-to-call options on the mobile version of their website, so offering easy-to-use buttons are essential to making customer service quick and painless. In addition, customers who wish to make purchases should likewise benefit from painless dropdown menus with swipe or scroll functions, with clearly legible text and simple, user-friendly checkout. Retail brands, financial institutions, and any service-oriented brands might find it valuable to offer a separate app altogether that enables quick and easy transactions.It facilitates the purchase process and boosts sales. A recent InReality study found that 75% of store shoppers use their mobile devices in-store, with 25% making purchases before leaving the store. As many customers like to research products while in-store, mobile customer engagement becomes an absolute must for boosting sales. Offering live chat to assist with research and easy checkout for faster sales are just two ways to offer a personalized mobile customer experience while driving sales.It’s a great medium for targeted marketing. Geolocation tools have made it possible to greatly enhance the customer experience by offering targeted marketing offers to the right customers at the right time (as well as service when it’s needed most). By tracking location and customer purchase history, brands can deliver relevant messages to customers while they are in the store to drive sales and boost their satisfaction. Offering customers coupons and checkout discounts while periodically using push notifications to announce sales are all great ways to motivate customers to make purchases that are truly appealing and relevant to their preferences.It’s millennial-friendly. The millennial generation plays a dynamic role in modern customer service and sales processes as they represent a tremendous demand for mobile engagement. Badgeville reported that 50% of millennials use their smartphones to research products, 58% are mobile shoppers, and 41% have made actual purchases on their mobile devices. Clearly, embracing these Generation Y customers is critical to sales and long-term customer loyalty.It makes a brand authentic and customer-centric. Brands should always strive for a clear and consistent image that authentically presents its values. For example, if a brand labels itself as socially conscious or eco-friendly, its practices certainly need to reflect that. This also means that the messages delivered on a brand’s website (both desktop and mobile) as well as on social media should all reflect the same ideas and values. Customers will better identify with and trust a brand with an authentic, consistent voice and also appreciate that its many interfaces including mobile have been designed with the customer’s needs in mind. When mobile websites are truly optimized to include simple buttons and chat options that complement the desktop version of a brand website, customers are more likely to support the brand.Mobile customer engagement is a vital aspect of staying connected with the modern customer and gaining long-term loyalty. Brands that optimize their mobile engagement strategy by keeping their customers’ interests in mind are set to drive customer service and sales with great success. Learn about Vocalcom contact center software solutions for excellent customer engagement.