Modern-day customers are no longer limited to desktop searches for product information or long waits on the phone for customer service. Consumers nowadays are showing an increasing preference for researching products and making purchases on mobile devices, surpassing desktop use. Prosper Mobile Insights indicates that 81% of smartphone users have done product research from their phones with 50% eventually making a purchase through the same device. Emarketer further reports that by 2017, 77% of digital buyers in the U.S. will use a mobile device to make at least one online purchase. What’s more, the rise in smartphone use translates into a growing demand for customer service through integrated in mobile apps. Consumers are increasingly using different channels such as mobile web, apps, and instant messaging to research products and ask for technical support, in addition to making purchases. So how do businesses offer the optimal mobile customer experience?Optimize for mobile. Simply put, a company website must always be optimized for mobile. Research has shown that shoppers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers an engaging mobile experience, and keep in mind that customers often compare web and mobile versions when it comes to fostering brand loyalty. This means that the mobile version needs to be visually appealing yet functional, with relevant links or buttons, an easy navigation menu, a simple layout without an excessive use of graphics, text that’s easy to read, and buttons that work properly. Remember that space is limited on a mobile interface and customers are always looking to save time-so keep it simple and straightforward. People generally have a short attention span and wish to find information quickly, but also keep in mind that the colors and overall design of the mobile version should visually match the aesthetics of the web version for consistency and immediate brand recognition.Don’t forget social media buttons. Many consumers enjoy accessing their various social media accounts from their mobile devices, so businesses are poised to reach a greater audience by marketing directly to their customers through these sites and making it easy for them to leave reviews. Businesses may offer especially targeted deals to customers based on their purchase history, for example. Consumers also like to look up reviews before making purchases. It’s therefore critical to integrate a mobile program with customer reviews and offer social media sharing buttons on mobile to facilitate mobile marketing.Make payments painless. Customers demonstrate trust in a brand when they opt to make purchases online. The process should therefore be painless and prove to the customer that the company is indeed worthy of their business. Make payment options simple, with dropdown menus and limited data entry to keep the process short. Large text and simple entry forms are very user-friendly as well. Also, be sure to include any icons that ensure the security of making payments on the site-this will certainly give the brand a legitimate appearance and instill consumer confidence.Make the mobile experience user-friendly. Mobile is a challenging yet great opportunity for providing a seamless customer experience. Due to its limitations in size, brands must make an extra effort to enable user-friendly functions such as swiping or scrolling to allow for option selection. As mentioned before, data entry should be limited to keep the experience efficient, and buttons are preferable to weblinks as they are easier to tap.Provide easy contact buttons. On mobile, it’s impractical to simply provide a telephone number or link for a call or chat. No one wants to have to write information down. Providing click-to-call and click-to-chat buttons are the fastest way to enable customers to contact a company. Remember that a customer should never feel that the experience is diminished on a mobile device, so buttons are the best way to provide an efficient means for contact.The growing preference for mobile commerce and customer service presents great opportunities for companies to attract new customers, drive sales, and foster brand loyalty. Learn about Vocalcom contact center software solutions for excellent mobile customer engagement.