In today’s vast technological sea, cloud computing continues to make waves. TheInfoPro Wave 5 Cloud Computing Study focuses on IT management and decision makers in North American and European mid-to-large enterprises and points to one thing: the cloud is still here, and it’s still big.
Not only did the study find that 38 percent of enterprises have a budget specifically dedicated to cloud spending, but 69 percent of those enterprises are planning to increase their spending from 2013 to 2014. While the median enterprise cloud computing budget is $675,000, the study found that the largest enterprise cloud computing budget peaks at $125 million.
When it comes to capex and opex spending, the top four cloud computing-related projects that enterprises are currently working on include:
The study also discovered that 83 percent of enterprises are currently facing “significant roadblocks,” making it increasingly difficult to move beyond cost reduction, according to Forbes. Seeing how the cloud doesn’t require much IT intervention or expertise, these roadblocks are not IT-related. Rather, they include:
And, of course, security continues to be a concern for enterprises. In fact, despite research dispelling the security myths surrounding the cloud, 30 percent of study participants said that security was “the biggest pain point and roadblock to cloud computing adoption.”
Despite these lingering security concerns, increased cloud spending points to increased adoption and trust in cloud technology for working smarter and more efficiently.