There has been a great deal of emphasis put on the need for virtual call center agents to get involved in the conversation via social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. An important question that every agent should ask, though, is: When is it appropriate to address a customer’s issue? The answer (only when they ask for help) should seem obvious, however, it may not be to everyone.
Facebook and Twitter Etiquette
By searching through Twitter mentions, it’s easy for a virtual call center agent to notice all of the times that its company is mentioned. Having said that, there could be a temptation for an agent to be proactive and reach out to the consumer; however, this would be ill-advised. Studies show that 40 percent of consumers under 55-years old and 54 percent of consumers over 55 would both agree that “companies that listen online are intruding on customers.” Combined, this totals to almost 95 percent of consumers of all ages.
Bottom line: It’s important to respond as quickly as possible to your online customers, but only answer the questions that customers ask you. The same policy goes for Facebook, too.
Ensure a Smoothly-Running Virtual Call Center
By utilizing Vocalcom’s virtual call center software, every phone call, e-mail, chat session, SMS, Facebook post or Tweet will be managed through a single modern user interface. Our innovative, award-winning streamlined program allows automation to be a breeze, making sure that agents who specialize in a particular task within the company can respond to a question or concern through whichever method the customer prefers – and when they prefer.
To learn more about our virtual call center software, click here.