It can be tempting to automatically associate telemarketing services with overseas operations; however, new statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor show otherwise. Almost 9,000 telemarketing companies currently exist in the U.S., and it’s expected that these numbers will only continue to grow. For a company that wants to stay ahead in the game, it’s imperative that the market’s most advanced telemarketing software is not just considered, but aggressively implemented.So, what are some of the different telemarketing software options available to start using today?All-in-One Contact Center SoftwareAn all-in-one solution doesn’t mean that the ability to customize or modify services isn’t available. With the All-in-One Contact Center Software available through Vocalcom, customer service can be managed across every single communication channel and all through one easy-to-use system. This means that it doesn’t matter if a customer desires to contact your company via phone, e-mail, online chat, or more; all of these methods can be utilized and tracked for efficiency.Universal QueuingCustomers today are using more than one channel to get in contact with a company, including social and mobile channels. Needless to say, it’s extremely important that your telemarketing software reflects this. That’s where universal queuing comes into play. Regardless of which channel is being used, the universal queuing system enables companies to successfully handle each interaction.These are only a couple of the capabilities that Vocalcom’s telemarketing software is able to provide. Click here to learn more about the different services available and how they can benefit your company.