Our Solution was chosen by the 2nd most important Algerian Group CEVITAL in order to manage their Omni-channel Customer management Contact Center.Cevital is a major Algerian Company, created by IssadRebrab in 1998. Currently, it’s the Second Algerian company by revenue behind Sonatrach . The company specializes in the food industry. Cevital employs over 15,000 employees in Algeria Cevital has several brands in Algeria like the Car Dealer “HYUNDAI”.
Strategic direction of CEVITAL has decided to set 2011 as the establishment of a multi-channel contact center to provide value added services to its customers (distributors and customers) In this strategy, it was very important to choose a reliable partner offering flexible solutions, with robust international benchmarks. The various studies conducted by the manufacturer focused on the choice of solutions Omni-channel by VOCALCOM.