Today, it’s not uncommon for people to own multiple devices. In fact, the average U.S. subscriber owns 1.57 mobile devices. That being said, it’s paramount that today’s call center solutions can support customers’ devices of choice – especially tablets, as recent data shows that the percentage of tablets shipped will continue to skyrocket.According to research firm Forrester, 60 percent of North American online consumers will own a tablet by 2017. Moreover, the totally worldwide sales of tablets will reach 381 million units.“Fundamentally, as we have been writing about for some time, we believe tablet sales and penetration will continue to grow rapidly,” JP Gownder, Forrester VP, divulged in a recent blog post.While the majority of tablets will be purchased by consumers, enterprise purchases are also slated to make up 18 percent. Moreover, Forrester predicts that tablets will play a critical role in the workplace, connecting users to critical business documents, applications and more.In a society that would rather text or live chat via their mobile device, the importance of implementing a call center solution that can support multiple devices is of the utmost importance. In fact, 50 percent of smartphone users would prefer to use a mobile customer service application to try to resolve their customer service problem before calling into a call center.With multi-device customer service, consumers can quickly and easily contact a call center as if they were sitting at their desktop at work – making the process seamless and inspiring even higher customer satisfaction.To learn more multi-device customer service, click here.