A key characteristic of today’s hyper-connected customer is the unprecedented ability to multi-task. Your customers are on-the-go. They have to get more done with less time, and that’s how they prefer to conduct their purchasing.Let’s say you’re a provider of salon and spa solutions. You know that your target audience is going to be on-the-go enjoying their massages, haircuts and facials – all of which the salon showcases for purchase at the front desk.Now, imagine your customer is waiting in the lounge for a haircut. Having gotten there early, he or she is anticipating a bit of a wait time before sitting down in the chair. Eyes begin to wander, and while waiting, the individual notices your company’s products on display by the front desk. The customer inquires the desk attendant about one in particular and discovers that this is the salon’s best-selling product, but it’s currently sold out.The customer hurriedly grabs his or her tablet and begins scouring the Web for your product; however, it says that the product is also out of stock on your website. With no anticipated date of being available again, the customer thinks, “Of course. It was too good to be true.”But before leaving the page, one of your contact center agents initiates a conversation with the customer via live Web chat. And in mere minutes, the agent is able to dive into the company’s shipment information to inform the customer in real-time of when it will be available again. In fact, the customer places an order for when the product will be re-filled so that it can ship as soon as possible. The situation is quickly rectified all before even being seen by the stylist.Without a unified call center solution, this successful sale would have slipped right between your fingers. Don’t let it! Click here to learn more about anything from transformative digital customer service to hosted call center solutions.