
Infonetics Reports Managed Cloud Security Market Will Reach $9 Billion by 2017

Hosted technology has been making great strides as of late in the call center space. Hosted call centers not only boast greater security, but greater uptime and lower Capex costs, seeing how the majority of physical hardware is removed from being on-site and is hosted by a third party service provider via the cloud. The latest news in the managed/hosted cloud realm? Infonetics Research expects to see the space take off to reach $9 billion in just three short years by the end of 2017.

According to the industry pundit, the managed cloud security market is expected to grow 45 percent  over the next five years thanks to an increase in the volume, variety and complexity of threats – from “security product sprawl” to “distributed workforce” to the “proliferation of BYOD erasing network perimeters,” according to one CloudTimes report.

Furthermore, cloud-based security service revenue is set to grow at a 10.8 percent compound annual growth rate from 2012 to 2017, eventually reaching $9.2 billion, as driven by IT department’ continued – and growing – move to cloud services.

This research is a surefire indication that the hosted call center market is taking off, and will continue to prove successful as organizations welcome 2014. If you’re looking to hop aboard the hosted or cloud-based call center bandwagon, keep a keen eye out for software that creates more successful customer interactions, while at the same time, increases overall productivity and lowers capital expenditures (that means no pesky hidden fees). Your solution of choice should provide the right tools to speed up customer response times and should bring cross-channel service capabilities and collaboration tools to the table, as well.

Do yourself a favor and click here to see if Vocalcom’s hosted call center solution could be a fit for your organization (you’ll be happy you did). 

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