
Just How Many Companies Are Confident in the Cloud?

As more companies begin to look to what the near future and the New Year will bring, a common theme is beginning to emerge: they are all recognizing the benefits of cloud adoption. Enterprises are clearly growing more confident in the cloud’s abilities to serve their needs, as evidenced by new research revealed by KPMG.

The research shows that an upwards of 70 percent of organizations share the belief that cloud computing has the ability to improve operational efficiencies and increase operational cost savings. While the companies in the survey recognize and are ready for the transitional road ahead, they all have no doubt that the future of today’s enterprises resides within the cloud.

A good deal of the cloud’s potential problems as a primary business tool lies in the actual transitional period, as data, management functions and complete system integration are moved to the cloud. However, these concerns are allayed by the numerous benefits. One of the key objectives of moving to the cloud is the goal of reducing costs, as noted by 48 percent of respondents. These savings will not only be seen in the simple lack of energy used by systems that used to be supported onsite, but they will be cheaper to manage because the cloud will be ran by the third party that is supplying the service.

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