Every company has a product and a brand, and every person heading that brand is trying to revolutionize the service they offer to knock you out of the game. Clearly, this packs on the pressure for business managers and decision makers to think outside of the box to come up with creative new ways to market toward their client base.
Looking to take your brand to the next level and leave your customers in awe? One of the most important aspects is for you to not only think about what is being sold, but the habits of those you are trying to reach, as well. Establishing a strong online presence – especially a mobile-friendly, online presence – can prove invaluable for bolstering brand awareness and locking in more sales. After all, 79 percent of smartphone owners user their device to help them with shopping, and of this, 74 percent make a purchase based on a smartphone search.
This shows not only an immediate need for information, but demonstrates the importance that rests on a company’s online footprint and its ability to successfully interact with customers.
Looking to boost your brand’s mobile initiative? Answering the following questions could be a great way of getting started:
· How does their customer best interact with online services?
· What are the most common services that their customers utilize online?
· How are competitors interacting with customers via mobile devices?
What else would you add to this list of questions?