The contact center of the future is going to require a significant balance between utilizing the latest technology and keeping customers engaged and agents happy, according to a new 2013 Global Contact Center Benchmarking Report.
The report – based off of a survey commissioned by Dimension Data – questioned 817 participants across 11 business sectors from 79 countries, ensuring that the findings reflected the global concerns about call center solutions in the future. Let’s take a look at some of the report’s key findings.
Customers Are Increasingly Dissatisfied
The need for an increased multi-channel solution in many call centers is now reaching a significant threshold as Generation X and Y are noting their frustration in the typical phone call-focused call center. Many of these users prefer Web chat, smartphone applications and social media options when it comes to finding solutions to their specific issues.
The Time of the Phone May be Ending
Members of Generation Y (people born between 1980 and 2000) note that the phone is now their third choice of engagement, after electronic messaging and smartphone applications. Because of this, almost one-third (31.8 percent) of contact center advisors now find themselves using a number of multi-channel solutions, including smartphone apps and social media.
Self-Service is Increasing
The report also shows that 32.6 percent of contacts typically handled by call center agents are moving to self-service channels. While there will always be a place for call center agents, the need to give customers the options that they want will become more prevalent as the years go on and as technology increases.
At the end of the day, the best strategy for any call center manager or leader is to stay ahead of the curve and excel at offering a number of multi-channel options.