Recently, people have begun to watch more videos via social platforms than on a stand-alone video player. While this may seem to speak only to the popularity of social networks among consumers, it should also speak to the leaders of contact centers and the general call center software market.
According to a study by Morgan Stanley, the frequency with which consumers use stand-alone video players has decreased sharply in the past year; meanwhile, social video usage continues to climb sky high. What this says is that consumers are spending more time watching videos that have a very specific property—they are a simple click away from being shared with tens, if not hundreds, of other consumers.
In addition to the fact that these videos are being watched more frequently and that it is easier to share them, it is more cost-efficient to produce and distribute this type of social, visual content. For example, there’s no longer a need for advertising costs associated with television spots. This coupled with the popularity of such videos – like Vine – makes this a goldmine of opportunity for thought-leaders in the customer service space. In fact, Vine was listed among TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Android applications of 2013.
Bottom line: Contact center leaders need to consider implementing social video into their existing call center software and service strategies.
Why? For starters – and perhaps most importantly – this is the way that consumers are used to viewing video. After all, research shows that 85 percent of U.S. Internet users have been viewing online videos every month in 2013. Secondly, these videos are relatively inexpensive to produce and promote.
By utilizing social video as a form of advertising, introduction or even friendly how-to’s, contact center leaders can increase not only the public visibility of their companies, but can show the intended consumer that they are reaching out to meet them as the state of customer service continues to rapidly evolve.