Each new trend in the contact center world brings both early adopters and those who wait for the right time to strike. If you’re still thinking through the details of embracing a cloud contact center, your business may be suffering due to such hesitation. Here’s a look at some of the things that your contact center may be missing out on by not deploying a cloud model now.
The Cloud Will Save You Money
A new study surveying companies that used the cloud during December 2012 and January 2013 found that 88 percent of users saved money as a direct result. By saving and accessing data and files in the cloud, workers will be more efficient with instant access to the materials that they need in order to most optimally work.
Connecting Your Business 24/7
A cloud contact center allows all of your agents and other employees to access information on the cloud at their convenience. You’ll never have to worry again about not being able to share documents, and you’ll never have to wonder if those outside the office have limited access to files and spreadsheets that they need in order to do their jobs and collaborate with their peers and customers. In 2013, businesses need to be able to see everything all at once; the cloud allows your employees to do just that.
Cloud Storage is King
Forty percent of small businesses moved to the cloud because of the convenience of data storage, as opposed to taking the expensive route of physically storing data. By being able to access your cloud information from virtually anywhere, your company will never again run out of space or be left wondering where an important item was placed.
These are just some of the reasons to make the move to a cloud contact center. What is yours? Click here to explore Vocalcom’s cloud solutions to help you decide.