There’s a lot to consider in today’s modern call center world. Between cloud, hosted and virtual call center technology, it can be hard to distinguish which solutions (and service strategies) are best for your business. If you’ve been considering either social media or e-mail, it might benefit you to take a closer look at the details of a recent Forrester blog.
The first and overarching point is that social media, when used effectively, can be more efficient than a simple e-mail. As opposed to just e-mailing a single person or a select group, social media affords employees the opportunity to inquire about anything on a much larger scale. Especially for large enterprises with multiple branches, it is unrealistic to think that all employees know who has the answer they are looking for. By supplying them with a social platform, resources can be utilized more fully.
This directly leads to the second and third benefits of a social media platform; the second being better informed employees who are looking for more information, and the third being the encouragement of collaboration. As opposed to e-mail’s sometimes limited interactions, social media simply offers a place where more information can be seen and distributed on a mass scale.
Collaboration is fostered by this larger outreach, opening the door for a greater pool of resources to work on problems that may be plaguing the customer service aspect of your industry. How are other people, branches or departments dealing with common concerns? While there are many ways to address these concerns, taking a look at integrating social platforms could prove to be a worthwhile investment for any company.