In the efforts to help improve customer service and make interactions more enjoyable and effective for the consumer, Salesforce continues to advocate the importance of embracing social media technology and techniques, evidenced by a recently revealed infographic. Taking this a step further, let’s take a look at three ways that every company should be providing exceptional online customer service:· Providing online chat· Focusing on timely responses· Delivering a WOW experienceProviding online chat may not initially seem to be an innovative idea, however the success that it offers cannot be ignored or trifled with. For instance, with the option of online chat, a company can have an immediate and positive influence on how its consumers perceive its brand and efforts. This means that a positive customer service experience began before any actual communication even took place; consumers automatically began to think better of the corporation when a customer service option they preferred was readily available. This also stresses the importance of offering multi-channel outlets of communication.Providing a response to a question is also of the utmost importance – an aspect that Salesforce is highly proficient at. While this may be self-explanatory, it goes unachieved more often than you think. In fact, more than 50 percent of customers will seek out other business if they have to wait more than a minute for a response. Quickly and efficiently responding to an inquiry can literally mean the difference between keeping and losing a customer. Frightened by this fact? Don’t be. Just ensure that you have the proper software or solution in place to handle this.Finally, there is little substitute for a company that takes the time to empathize with the customer. Through the assistance and recommendations provided, the means and mediums used can help companies choose the best way to communicate with customers so their clients feel that their concerns are not only addressed, but sufficiently taken care of. By using the communication medium the customer prefers and quickly and efficiently resolving the concern, the WOW experience can very easily be delivered.With consumers’ shopping habits and preferences changing nearly overnight, customer service tactics must evolve as well. By utilizing the latest technologies in a strategic and efficient manner, companies can skillfully establish the relationship they desire with consumers. Click here to find out more about how to better communicate with customers through today’s technology.