The significance of multi-channel marketing has not gone unnoticed by some of the leading companies out there, and that’s because the statistics don’t lie. Specifically, 80 percent of shoppers are more likely to do business with a company who offers easy and flexible interaction across all channels. Moreover, 70 percent of retailers find cross-channel customers more profitable because they spend more, according to a recent NCR poll.
So where do you fit in this equation?
Simply put, if your call center is employing only single-touch points, such as a central call center number, you are already at a disadvantage.
Your customers want to be able to reach you and not just via the phone; they want to be able to reach you across multiple channels and wherever they are located. With Vocalcom’s advanced virtual and hosted call center solutions, your customers can enjoy a global cross-channel experience that allows them to touch base with you across various multimedia touchpoints. The solution allows your agents to talk to your target market through a variety of channels—including SMS, social media, video chat, QR codes and live chat. Some of the chief benefits of this multi-channel approach include granting your company that ability to keep in touch with visitors and customers constantly, helping your company attract new customers and driving new customers to your sales points.
With the benefits of multi-channel retailing being so obvious, what obstacles stand in the way of this tactic and your success? Your ability to converge your multi-channel experience to maintain your brand identity.
According to a recent survey, only 32 percent of retailers have achieved their channel convergence goals, and 55 percent of retailers feel that not having a single view of customers across multiple channels is a top inhibitor of multi-channel success. To learn more about how Vocalcom’s online call center solutions can facilitate your cross-channel approach, click here.