
Where’s the Link Between You and Your Customers?

For many, the weather is warming; the trees are in full bloom, the shorts and t-shirts are emerging from long-forgotten dresser drawers and the sunglasses are shielding bright rays. Of course, sales in these seasonal products are bound to spike – but, as a customer, there’s so much to choose from. There are thousands of black, sleek sunglasses in stores, and customers often feel torn between choosing. So how will you get customers to learn towards buying your products?Let your differentiator be your customer service. Your company, brand and offerings can easily stand apart when you choose to interact with your customers in a smart, visionary way.Imagine this. An individual hops on the Internet to look for a pair of sunglasses seen in an advertisement of yours. The ad was so enticing that he or she is ready to buy without thinking twice; however, finding and viewing the product on your site is a bit tricky and requires additional assistance. There’s no way this person wants to dial into a call center and navigate through a complex IVR system just to ask a live agent a few quick questions.Instead, give the individual the opportunity to message your Web-based contact center agent in an online chat session. The screen will pop up, and with a few clicks on a keyboard, he or she can ask your agent anything and receive real-time answers. Now, you may be asking yourself, “But what if this person is chatting using his or her smartphone?” Even better! The individual can provide a call-back number and before you know it, a live video chat session can be initiated.This is what leads to the most important part of this process – your customers sharing their satisfaction. Did they just rave about those new shades you helped them buy? You now have a 90 percent chance of locking in a new customer, as research shows that 90 percent of consumers trust peer recommendations while only 14 percent trust advertisements.This is what we offer with The Link, one of many disruptive and transformative digital customer service solutions. See for yourself why Vocalcom is the most trusted choice in the industry, with over 550,000 users driving their contact centers to the digital world with Vocalcom. Click here for more information.

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