Video conferencing is normally associated with entertainment and benefits that align more with personal, rather than professional, use. However, when implemented as a form of call center software, brands can see how this technology can easily be used to help increase customer engagement and provide the positive and valuable service they strive to deliver. How so?
Customer service involves a myriad of interactions, and for customers who are more visually oriented in their learning experience and communication preferences, the option of using video chat can be an exciting and positive experience.
Imagine a scenario where a corporation produces blenders and offers a lifetime warranty for normal wear and tear. If Suzanne purchased a blender three years ago and the cord is starting to fray, she can go online and see if this is deemed to be normal wear and tear in a variety of ways: searching the FAQs, utilizing online chat, or hopping onto video chat and showing an agent what the cord looks like. By using video conferencing, she doesn’t have to worry about trying to describe how the cord looks or attempt to discern if the frayed cord matches the description in the FAQs. She can actually show a representative the cord in real-time.
Just as mobile phone and social media use are on the rise, video conferencing is no exception. In fact, a report by Infonetics Research found that both telepresence and video conferencing revenue have grown by 10 percent on a global scale. For call center managers looking to continue their competitive streak and offer customer service options that their clients will utilize and appreciate, video conferencing should certainly not be ignored, undervalued or underrated as a robust feature of their call center software.