As a kid, there was probably nothing enjoyable about a trip to the dentist other than getting excused from school for an hour or so. Even the cheap toy some were lucky enough to get if the cleaning went well was sure to break soon afterwards. As an adult, the experience never really changed other than the absence of the toy; the waiting, the picking, the scolding about a lack of flossing. And the waiting.
A recent study more directly correlates the dreaded dentist to customer service, and its findings show that a trip to the dentist is actually more enjoyable than interacting with a call center agent, according to one in six customers. The “waiting room” is actually something the two have in common, with 31 percent of those polled saying they will only wait for five minutes before hanging up.
For any cloud contact center, these results should appear troubling, if not just surprising. After all, the primary function of the call center is to interact with customers and to assist them with the goal of expediting his or her service. Just like the dentist, customers want to leave with a pleasant taste in their mouth in order to ensure continuing business.
It is in these cases that the value of call analytics and other useful tools afforded by cloud contact center technology become increasingly important. Call wait time can be dramatically reduced by offering more agents and smart routing technologies to get the customer to the agent that is best suited to help, as opposed to bouncing them around to different agents. By investing in cloud technology and properly trained agents, an enterprise can again make the dentist the thing their customers look forward to the least.