
Your Customers Aren’t All in One Place – Neither Should Your Call Center

Companies vary in size and specialization, but for so long, one thing remained the same – their customer approach. Now, customers have a number of possibilities for contacting a business thanks to advanced call center solutions. These touchpoints – video, Web chat, e-mail, social media, mobile and more – can be implemented by virtually any company looking to strengthen its customer base. Whether it’s a bank, an insurance company, a retailer or a regular customer service center; they’re all raising the stakes when it comes to innovative customer engagement campaigns.

But does it work?

Research shows that Web-initiated customer interactions have steadily risen on a global basis. In fact, one of the world’s most well-known brands recently implemented a seamless, cross-channel marketing strategy to expand its customer service approach.

Sephora, the world’s largest and most diverse distributor of beauty products, integrated mobile, ecommerce and in-store experiences into its latest ecommerce platform last year. According to Bridget Dolan, VP of interactive media at Sephora, it represented the most intense overhaul of the company’s online presence in over a decade and aimed to bridge different customer service channels. With revenue in the billions, Sephora continues to prove itself a thought leader in the space by staying one step ahead of the game with a multi-channel customer solution.

Ask yourself where your customers are right now. In identifying where they are, you’ll be able to better reach them. With 33 percent of today’s active Twitter followers inquiring about company products or services, 144 billion e-mails being sent everyday and the number of networked devices projected to exceed that of the global population by 2015, it seems clear as day where your customers are – and where you need to be.

It’s time for you to support this with a multi-channel call center solution.

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