Providing the very best in social media customer support is one of the greatest challenges for the virtual call center. Along with maintaining quick response times through traditional channels, such as phone and e-mail, your agents are now tasked with handling additional methods of communication, such as Facebook and Twitter.
In the past, we’ve taken a look at steps that your virtual call center can take to ensure that it is providing unprecedented social media customer support. Let’s continue with some more.
Exceed Customer Expectations
The difference between an adequate virtual call center and a truly great one all comes down to the difference between what the customer expects to occur during a phone/e-mail/Twitter exchange, and what actually ends up occurring.
As a new Mediabistro infographic points out, 42 percent of Twitter users expect a response regarding their customer service issue an hour after sending their tweet. The average response time for companies on Twitter, however, is 357 minutes. Even worse, Facebook responses take 819 minutes – all compared to the two-minute response time of a phone.
If a customer expects their tweets to be responded to within an hour, your agents should be striving to respond within a half hour, or even sooner. The goal of a multi-channel approach to the virtual call center is that every method of communication should be as convenient as possible for the customer.
By utilizing Vocalcom’s virtual call center software, your agents will have all of the tools necessary to make the quick response of a multi-channel approach become the status quo for your call center.