
5 Reasons Why Customers Love Chatbots

As artificial intelligence continues to modernize customer experiences, chatbots are at the heart of this technological revolution. According to Business Insider, 67% of customers worldwide used a chatbot for support in 2017—and the numbers continue to rise. The cost benefit to your brand is significant as well: Chatbots Magazine cites that businesses can save up to 30% in customer support costs. Here are five specific reasons why customers love them—and how you can improve your service with the help of these digital assistants.

They get 24/7 customer service.

Since many companies are unable to provide human support around the clock, chatbots are the perfect representatives when customers need help outside of service hours. A survey by MyClever Agency found that 64% of customers believe that chatbots’ ability to provide 24/7 service is a top benefit. Delegate simple tasks to chatbots so that they can assist customers when agents are unavailable.

They appreciate immediate responses.

Customers don’t like to wait for answers, and they especially dread being placed on hold when they call. This is a major reason why chatbots are so appealing: They appear at the moment a customer needs support, and they can quickly look for a solution. The MyClever Agency survey also revealed that 55% of respondents love getting instant answers from chatbots, and 37% of customers have even used them to get a quick answer in an emergency.

They love the benefit of self-service.

Chatbots are especially efficient when assisting customers with simple tasks. For example, many customers use them to make reservations, pay bills, and look up information such as bank account balances. Empowering your customers to use self-service with chatbot assistance ultimately saves them time and frustration while giving your agents more time to handle complex cases.

They receive detailed answers.

While these digital helpers usually handle simple requests, they are also adept at giving thorough responses. Invesp cites that 35% of customers appreciate receiving detailed answers when communicating with chatbots. For example, a customer who looks up flight status information may also receive assistance regarding early check-in, baggage drop off, and seat upgrades.

They like the easy communication.

Some chatbots have the capability to grow smarter over time and use natural language processing to carry out sophisticated conversations. Even the simplest ones are often able to get right to the point and answer straightforward questions without much difficulty. This ease of communication is a major benefit for customers who would rather not spend too much time chatting with agents and prefer faster, less ambiguous discussion. Invesp notes that 51% of customers like how easy it is to communicate with chatbots.As the statistics show, customers have a clear interest in using chatbots when this technology truly saves them time and effort. And companies are taking note: An Oracle survey found that 80% wish to use chatbots by 2020. Whether these digital assistants are your side helpers or the stars of your customer service, using them wisely to help customers enjoy better brand experiences is a sure way to put your brand on the map. To deliver the very best customer experiences, learn about Vocalcom, a global leader in AI-powered contact center software solutions and premium omnichannel customer interaction platform.

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