There’s a universal feeling of frustration in being told to “Please hold” until an important question can be answered. In today’s social media-driven market, we have been conditioned to want answers immediately. Luckily, that immediacy can be found when virtual call centers utilize the power of online services such as Facebook or Twitter to increase customer satisfaction.Recent data shows that customers are quick to ditch brands that don’t grant them respectable service. In fact, 89 percent of customers are ready to do business with a competitor following a poor service experience. And social media only raises those expectations; customers tend to expect responses within one day if the query was submitted via Facebook and within half an hour if submitted via Twitter.Those stakes seem high, but they can be met and even exceeded. One research endeavor discovered that out of the top 25 online retailers, only two responded to 100 percent of Twitter queries, and it is those brands that reaped the rewards of good customer service. Furthermore, 73 percent of consumers were found to commit to a brand because of above-average service, and were not only willing to pay more for the brand with which they interacted, but were three times as likely to tell other people about their helpful experience. So the business benefits in turn – its name gets discussed in association with good service.In a technologically advancing world, the call center has to adapt; however, social media can only be a call center solution if the center can take responsibility for customers’ expectations. If executed well, it is a responsibility that allows the growing power of social media to be harnessed.