
PCI DSS Compliance Increasingly Important as Call Center Security Concerns Grow

The call center industry is certainly no stranger to security concerns. The thought alone of security going awry is distressing enough to keep any call center manager or decision-maker on his or her toes. This burdensome thought, however, can become a daily reality when your contact and customer service staffers are outsourced to countries overseas. Locations like Nicaragua and the Philippines, for example, have become commonplace for U.S. call center outsourcing. Outsourced servicing is oftentimes pinned as being more negligent or careless with sensitive customer information, where it is said to be more vulnerable to identity theft.“People are sneaky, you can’t get too comfortable,” explained a project manager for a Nicaragua-based contact center in a recent article, which takes an in-depth look at just how fragilely sensitive information – like credit card and social security numbers – is being handled.Your customers are voluntarily choosing to share their personal and sensitive information with you when they contact your facility. This is exactly where the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) becomes extremely important. PCI DSS is a global data security standard adopted by the payment card brands for any organization that processes, stores or transmits cardholder data. Enabling companies to ensure the overall security of their systems (and as a result, strengthen customer loyalty and trust), enhance their reputability with payment providers, and future-proof their center from criminals or fraudulent activity, PCI DSS is absolutely vital for ensuring contact center security and success.Needless to say, finding a call center solution that is PCI DSS compliant is essential.

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