Even before the recent introduction of the new iPhone5s, smartphone penetration had already crossed a historic tipping point. As of June, three-quarters of all U.S. cell phone users were carrying smartphones – that’s nearly 75 percent of the U.S. population, and that number is growing daily.The more ways consumers use their smartphones, the more services they will expect you to offer. Are you prepared for the next mobile revolution?
If not, don’t worry just yet. You can be by using your call center software to create true mobile engagement. Mobile engagement is more than simply building a mobile website or offering a downloadable customer service app; it’s about creating a complete, comprehensive, customer-centric mobile strategy.
With cloud-based call center software, you can create a mobile infrastructure that is seamless and channel agnostic, allowing customers to easily interact with your service center from anywhere, by any means they prefer. Interactions can be routed to agents based on their level of mobile experience, or by any number of business rules, such as caller location, account number, or any other unique need.For example, mobile customer care allows your agents to video chat with e-shoppers and push content to them, delivering a live mobile shopping experience. Adding this face-to-face solution to the e-commerce experience has been shown to drastically increase conversion rates. In fact, by engaging search traffic with personalized offers, conversions have been known to increase as much as 25 percent.It’s common knowledge that customers generally abandon their shopping carts once service seems to slow down; however, with the sophistication of mobile-enabled customer care, individuals can get the thorough yet rapid service they need and deserve – whether they’re standing in a retail store, watching TV with their best friend or relaxing at the beach. Moreover, agents can prompt them when they’re most at risk of abandonment. Research has shown that conversion rates increase by nearly 48 percent simply by following up on abandoned shopping carts.Vocalcom takes pride in being one of the few companies that do multi-channel and mobile customer service right.