Analytics enable brands to learn key information about customers. From understanding buying habits to identifying the most popular channels for service, analytics provide important insights for improving the overall customer experience. Within the contact center, data collection plays the vital role of capturing all feedback regarding customer service interactions—including the key reasons why customers are making contact in the first place. Here are six benefits of identifying recurring issues that are troubling your customers.
When customers make contact with your brand, their issues reveal a lot about the user experience. For example, if customers are calling your contact center because agents on other channels are unresponsive, this is a clear sign that your omnichannel strategy is not working. If others are asking for assistance with the final step of a purchase, the checkout process on your website may be inefficient. Understanding key issues is vital to making the user experience seamless and effortless for all.
Once your company is aware of major issues, you can take immediate steps to prevent them from happening again. Being proactive can help contact center agents achieve higher rates of first contact resolution, or FCR, saving both your company and your customers time and money.
Every brand knows the importance of creating customer profiles. Key demographics such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location can provide valuable information that may be used to create detailed customer profiles. These profiles may then be used to better serve your customers. For example, identifying the channels that are most in demand by each profile may ensure that every channel receives the attention and maintenance that it needs.
Customer profiles are a starting point for developing marketing strategies. When your brand better understands for whom you are designing products and services, you can also devise stronger ways to engage with this target audience. For example, learning that millennial customers prefer messaging apps for communication enables your brand to enhance marketing communications on this particular channel and for this demographic.
Like first contact resolution, average handling time is an important KPI that many contact centers strive to manage. Handling customer issues in a timely manner ensures that customers do not have to spend excessive time interacting with agents. This saves customers time, and it is especially cost-efficient for contact centers in that less time will be spent on the expensive voice channel.
When learning about key customer issues, it may come to light that employees need further training. For example, an agent handling voice calls may struggle with call scripts or a CRM database, or perhaps information is not properly communicated when customers are transferred between agents. Take a closer look at the ways in which roles are staffed in the contact center, and determine if any agents need additional training or reassignment to different roles. Assigning agents to positions that most closely match their skills is a great way to ensure their empowerment and brand success. To truly satisfy customers, it’s essential to analyze data closely and determine which pain points need to be addressed. By identifying key problems in advance and working to eliminate them before other customers are affected, you can improve the global customer experience for greater customer satisfaction.