Modern customer experiences are not just about good service delivered through advanced technologies or greater availability. As many brands have taken note, modern customers look for rich, customer-centric experiences that align with customer values. Millennial customers arguably embrace these ideals more than any other generation, as their digital savviness, sense of efficiency, and desire for personalized service have reshaped the landscape of modern customer experience. Here are 5 key values at the core of millennial customer experience that every brand should consider.
Millennial customer experience begins with authenticity. Millennials often feel connected to brands that align with their own values and respect brands that are consistent in their image and outreach. For example, if a brand identifies as eco-friendly, its products, services, and overall actions should always reflect that. Furthermore, millennials seek a personalized, authentic tone in customer service using language they understand. Reaching out to them for feedback, including them in product development, and engaging them on social media are all essential to the millennial customer experience.
Millennials are prime smartphone users, with a Nielsen study confirming that 85% of millennials own smartphones. Brands should take note by making sure that customer service and sales processes are always optimized for mobile. Offering optimized mobile versions of a brand website, specific apps for shopping, easy click-to-call or chat buttons, and scannable redemption codes are all examples of optimizing the mobile experience.
While all customers value their time, millennials are known for quick communication and a heightened need for efficiency. In addition to offering a great mobile experience, brands should be quick to respond to millennials on all channels of contact, especially social media. Sending marketing offers in a timely manner can also entice millennial sales, such as announcing sales events ahead of time or offering redemption codes in-store.
Millennials are true omnichannel customers, as they are noted for being present on and switching across multiple devices and channels. According to a study by Boston’s Innerscope Research, millennials switch between devices such as laptops, smartphones, and television on an average of 27 times per hour. Brands can meet such demands by offering a truly optimized omnichannel experience with skilled agents staffed on every channel, from social media platforms to chat to SMS.
Loyalty in the millennial customer experience is a two-way street. In other words, millennial customers are loyal to the brands that are loyal to them. When they have a great customer experience that meets their needs and matches their values, millennials love to share their satisfaction with peers on social media. If a brand values their business and shows thanks through special discounts or pre-sale events, millennials feel loyal in return. Lastly, brands that embrace a consistent quality approach to marketing, customer service, and product and service delivery are more likely to win the loyalty of millennials for their genuine reputation.The millennial customer experience is defined by a need for authentic brands that keep customer interests at heart. Through timely customer engagement, omnichannel optimization, and a personalized touch, brands can enrich the customer experience for sustained customer loyalty. Learn about Vocalcom contact center software solutions for delivering great omnichannel customer experiences.